Confessions of my Alter-Ego

Why Write on Bear Blog

  1. Text-based, no media, not even images, would have been best. I personally love the typewriter font.

  2. Simplicity and minimalistic, no-nonsense, no pleasing the algorithms or editors, no ads.

  3. Not much idea about the quality of community here but I loved the concept of tiny Internet away from the humdrum.

  4. Almost zero friction. I hated Wordpress and Substack for the very fact that I have to fill so many fields, SEO, yada yada. Here, publishing is just a button away.

  5. No personal or official contacts are here so I can share really personal and vulnerable stories here. Being anonymous is bliss.

  6. No intention of earning money from this blog. This gives me immense freedom to write my mind.

  7. My expectations from a post going viral or well-loved is negligible. This allows me to share my best compositions here for I will have no disappointments even if some of my 'genius' fall on deaf ears.

  8. The feel-good feeling of supporting a real, dedicated, pure human being over a corporation.

P.S. I am sure I will have to add more as I write more.

#freedom #writing