Confessions of my Alter-Ego

Angry, Hypocrisy, and Spirituality

I feel like a phony and pretender at times.

I talk about enlightenment and spiritual progress but when it comes to anger and bruised ego I become an out of control elephant.

I can not regulate my emotions and primal instincts and I am talking about becoming a whole being.

The office politics often get the best of me. I try to be nice to and respecting of people but they take advantage sometimes and I end up getting hurt.

So, I try to build up walls and boundaries. And do tit-for-tat. Take revenge.

What an impostor and a hypocrite I am!

But if I treat myself with self-compassion, the story changes.

So what if my emotional brain hijacks the rational one. Can't I read and talk about spiritual mastery? Is mastery over emotional brain a prerequisite to undertake spiritual journey?


It is part of an ongoing process.

What I can do is be more forgiving and less reactive and take a more contemplative action. And be more open and vulnerable even if it hurts.

I read somewhere recently that

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it

Isn't it sweet?

That's how I should be!
